Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Okay Already! :P

So, I have finally been persuaded by a friend to start a blog. I can't imagine who would read it, but at the very least it may be a fine outlet for many of my rantings (not to be confused with my MANY rantings), unasked/unanswered questions (or the answered ones for that matter), or whatever.

As you can see from the title, there is bound to be some spiritual aspect to my rantings (I mean writings), as there is most certainly a spiritual aspect to every one of "us" (indicating anyone who might read this as opposed to the number of persons within myself, which at last count is still one... I think), regardless of whether we choose to aknowledge it. My hope for you, the reader, would be that you might possibly relate and thus feel less alone. Perhaps you will even help me feel less alone. I may even be blessed enough to aid in helping you find answers to your questions, if even by simply showing you what you know not to be true. Feel free to disagree. I certainly haven't got it all figured out, as you will soon find out. But, I am muddling through and continually seeking truth.

In this blog, I will address many aspects of my life. I am a recently divorced, single mother, who has had a complicated life at best, and been around a block or two once or twice, and this is even true on a spiritual level to some degree. So, I will certainly be talking about my children and my parenting as well as the "parenting" they receive outside my home. (Yes, those quotes were indicative of sarcasm.) I may address dating, as I hope to re-engage myself in that area at some point. So, hang on tight. If we are in luck, it may be a bumpy ride. Better yet... maybe not :)

Yours Truly,

Just Korie