Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Change Is In The Air

It has been quite some time since my last post and with good reason. Things have been busy to say the least. The kids have been "adjusting" to the new living schedule between their dad and myself (and I do use the word adjusting loosely), I have begun a new relationship that has been quite surprising in so many ways, and I have been procrastinatingly preparing (that just makes me giggle - what about you?) to make a move from a three bedroom home to a three bedroom apartment. There was also a month where my ex-husband was sent off to Texas for work. That was quite eye-opening in a couple ways.

So, where do I begin? Well... with the kids of course! I'm sure you are curious to know why I use the word "adjusting" loosely. As you know, I have three children; the oldest a son, and two younger daughters. The girls have done fairly well. Their grades are holding steady, and their attitudes about where one would expect. Certainly not out of the ordinary. My son, however, has shown at least one very interesting response. When their dad first had his little indiscretion and left us when my son was 5, the boy started wetting the bed after at least a year of completed potty training and no accidents. It took quite some time to get it in control, and ultimately required medication when he was 9 or 10. Within 6 to 8 months, the bedwetting had ceased. We had a measurable amount of time without the problem occurring, to the point that I had lost track of the time as I assumed it would never return. However, when the kids began the 50/50 schedule between their dad and myself, the bedwetting began again... and with a vengeance. He was wetting at least every night, and often twice a night. By mid February I put him back on the medication, and he continued wetting even through that on more nights than not. One could easily dismiss that as simply being because of the abrupt change in schedule, and even I was somewhat tempted to do so despite my maternal instinct telling me different. But, then, when my ex-husband was gone for that month, by the end of 2 to 3 weeks, the bedwetting had again stopped. To add to the curiosity of it all, when my ex returned and had the children for 5 consecutive nights and took them to school at the beginning of that week, and my son actually wet himself TWICE in school. The following week they were with me. My son wet the bed every night except one.During the month my ex was gone, we also received my son's report card. He had failing grades in all but 2 subjects. That was a major changes occurring only since the new living situation. There are many possible explanations for this, I am sure. However, it is seeming less and less that it reflects well on the arrangement that I was everything but forced into by the local courts. The school has clearly been aware of all of these things and have not said a word or asked a single question. In fact, the school counselor has neglected to even return my calls. I would think that any educator would find this to be concerning at the least. It is not remotely normal in any sense that my son would wet himself in school. It has never happened. At least not since his first year of preschool. Not to mention, I highly doubt that is normal for any of the students in his school, much less those in his 4th grade class.

Time and time again, my children and I have been let down by the system; from the suspected molestation of my youngest to the concern of my children's overall well-being, despite proven abuse by my ex of me and concerning allegations and responses by the three of them.

People... I am at a loss in many ways. However, there is an upside soon to be shared by me to you. What I will tell you now, is that God always comes through. I can see where He may be working through all of this. He may wait to the very last second, but He is sure to show up. I am learning patience a new and profound way. I have a feeling that the faith I will have when His plan plays out in all of these things may very well be unshakable!

Dear God,

Change is in the air. I can feel it. Could the shadow be finally lifting? Could it be that you are making right some of my mistakes? Your goodness is inconceivable. Your ways are beyond our understanding. You, who is willing and wanting to give immeasurable more than we could ask or imagine. For the first time in a long while I am willing to accept the hope of the future you have for me.

Yours Truly,
Just Korie

Luke 1:78-80

New Living Translation (NLT)
78 Because of God’s tender mercy,
    the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,[a]
79 to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
    and to guide us to the path of peace.”

Stay tuned for the good news, people. There is plenty to share. I will be back as soon as I can.